Mindfulness & Compassion

The next 8-week Mindfulness Course begins on Wednesday 8th May, 10am to 12pm, at the Glasgow Buddhist Centre, 72 Berkley Street, Glasgow, G3 7DS.  The course is free to attend, however a booking fee of £45 is required to cover the cost of books, materials and a discretionary donation towards the venue.


Happiness is a skill.  This is what the ancient practice of mindfulness teaches, and what modern psychology research has shown.  The wonderful thing is that this skill, just like driving or dancing, can be learned, and it can stay with you for a lifetime.

8-Week Course

At the end of this 8-week course you will have a foundation in the skills of mindfulness, compassion, and meditation, and know how to apply them in your life in a way that really makes a difference.

The course includes both modern psychology and ancient meditation.  We will investigate how mindfulness works, the qualities of mindfulness, how to practice (a range of techniques), investigating thoughts and habits, turning towards difficulty, watching suffering dissolve, the power of kindness and interconnectedness.

Please contact me, Fi Clark, on 07462 419 262 or by e-mail to MindfulnessStirling@gmail.com to book.